Salton Sea,
Nov 18, 2000
0630-1800, Sunny, 60-75
Finney & Ramer Lakes, Wister
Wildlife Unit, Davis Road, and Obsidian Butte
Saree, Jake, Bob Miller, and Henry Detwiler
103 species total
Bob and I
met Saree and Jake at the Calipatria Inn early on Saturday, and
then headed out to find the birds. At Ramer Lake we
searched in vain for the Vermillion Flycatcher, but instead saw
wheeling flocks of pelicans, Western & Clarke's Grebes, and
a Cooper's Hawk flying by.
Bob, Jake, & Henry
Lesser Nighthawk
At Finney Lake
we found several roosting Lesser Nightjars, and Saree took some
fine pictures with her digital camera through our scopes. (Find
out how here!) |
Close to Niland we found a mixed flock of sparrows with
juncos, Vesper, Chipping, White-crowned, and Brewer's
Sparrows. After some fine sandwiches, we traveled up to the
Wister Unit, where we located Spotted Towhee, our Vermillion
Flycatcher, and Red-breasted Sapsucker.
South on Davis
Road we found a Merlin, and then stopped nearby to examine the
bubbling Mud Pots. |
![](SS_111800/mudpots3%20thumb.jpg) |
drove the formidable Shrimpf Road the back way into the Sony
Bono Salton Sea Refuge. Shorebirds were everywhere, and we
added Willet, Marbled Godwit, Dunlin, Black-bellied Plover, and
Western Sandpiper. Among the many ducks were three
Blue-winged Teal. |
Bob & Jake
![](SS_111800/ss_sunset%20thumb.jpg) |
The sun
was setting nicely behind the Cormorant Trees as we headed over
to Obsidian Butte. |
A small flock of Ruddy
Turnstones, along with a single California and three Bonaparte's Gulls
rounded out the day. Back at the Inn we said our goodbyes to our
new friends, and we all headed home. (Click
on any of the above photos for a larger image)
look at more photos from Saturday by clicking here!
The complete bird list is
below. |