Sea & Imperial Valley
30, 2001
60-degree morning, 85-degree afternoon,
mostly light overcast with breeze
A trip with John & Mary Lou from Rochester, NY, led by & written
up by Bob
81 Species Seen (list follows)
Click on
thumbnail pictures for full-sized shots.
John & Mary
Lou |
We met at my house about 0900 where we had Common
Ground-Dove and Anna's Hummingbird but they just missed the two
very late White-winged Dove that have been at my feeders all
season. |
Having never been to the West Coast, many of our everyday birds
were new, so we headed out Harris Road picking up the local birds
along the way. Sandhill Cranes, Burrowing Owl and Greater
Roadrunner all put on a show. The "soda pop" Peregrine
still returns to the same spot as last year even though the
Osterkamp ponds are no longer there. |
Burrowing Owl |
I call it the soda pop bird because.....for the past two years
I would wager a soda pop that there would be a Peregrine Falcon sitting
on the second set of double poles to the North of the palm tree on
McConnell Road, just North of Harris Road. Even though the ponds are now
gone and I have seen this bird hunting on the new ponds a few miles
away, it still returns to the same pole!!
On to Wiest Lake (with a quick stop in Brawley for
my soda pop ;-) for Western and Clark's Grebe. Finney/Ramer turned
up Marsh Wren, Lesser Nighthawk, Eared Grebe, Phainopepla and
Common Moorhen. From there we bee lined for the Salton Sea at Lack
and Lindsey ticking off new treasures as we went.
Lesser Nighthawk at Finney
Large-billed Savannah Sparrow, Lesser Yellowlegs,
Bonaparte's Gull and Rudy Turnstone were where we expected them at
Obsidian Butte. Yellow-footed Gull was not but we did finally run across
a young one just before sun set near Red Hill. Abert's Towhee were
plentiful at the SB Salton Sea NWR headquarters. As we were driving back to Brawley in the twilight we had
several small flocks of plover fly across us in silhouette. I won't
pretend that I could tell them from Killdeer in this situation but I
really think we were seeing some of the first Mountain Plover of the
season! Guess I know where I will be poking around in the next few days!
Phainopepla |