Salton Sea Birding Festival
Feb 16-17,
Most trips 0600-1200, Sunny, 45-70
Trips ranged throughout the
Imperial Valley, on the Salton Sea itself, to Finney & Ramer Lakes,
and along the Sea's shoreline.
Guides: Henry Detwiler, Bruce Aird, Mike Wunder, Herb Young, and Kurt
151 species total
The first field trip was an evening excursion to watch the White-faced Ibis and
Cattle Egrets
come into their roost at Ramer Lake.
Lesser Nighthawk
On the way, we stopped off at Finney Lake so
everyone could look at the roosting Lesser Nighthawks.
They were there as advertised!
At Ramer Lake we picked up a Black-crowned Night Heron, a variety of ducks,
Common Moorhen, and several grebes.
Mountain Plover
The next morning (Saturday) was a search for the elusive Mountain Plover and
the wide-ranging Ferruginous Hawk. As fortune would have it, we scored
on both. Then at Ramer & Finney Lakes we added Vermilion
Flycatcher and Crissal Thrasher.
Sunday morning saw us chasing gulls and waterbirds along the Salton
seashore. This Surf Scoter in breeding plumage was a treat for the
Surf Scoter
Surf Scoter
Bruce Aird (right) and
At Obsidian Butte we saw a number of fine birds,
including our primary target, the Yellow-footed
Here's the Yellow-footed Gull with a Brown Pelican in the
background. We waited impatiently for the gull to stand
and show off his bright orange-yellow legs & feet. |
Yellow-footed Gull
In a pond at the southeast corner of Obsidian Butte we found dozens of
Lesser Yellowlegs and two Bonaparte's Gulls.
Looking for the gull |
Lesser Yellowlegs |
The final stop of the morning was at
the refuge headquarters, where Bruce spotted a Glaucous-winged
Gull and I found the Eurasian Wigeon. And others in the
group got the Black-and-White Warbler!
Yellow-footed Gull &
Brown Pelican |