Square-spotted Blue at Doane Pond 


Palomar Mountain SP
Jul. 07, 2002 
Guide -
Bob Miller

A visit to Palomar Mountain State Park with Kathie. 

Page one.

For page two of the day's trip click HERE

44 species (list follows at end of page)

Click on thumbnail pictures for full-sized shots.

Looking north at Palomar Mountain

Lake Henshaw from Palomar Mountain

On our way north from Julian we passed by Lake Henshaw .  This was the view of the lake from the south and from the north on East Grade Road going up to Palomar. The specks on the lake are boats!

We hiked the Adams Trail in the SP in search of Cassin's Vireo, thanks Mary Beth!! We had beautiful Cassin's Vireo singing loudly and following us up the trail at one point! Brown Creepers were a treat as were White-breasted Nuthatch and Nuttall's Woodpeckers . 

Enjoying the sounds

Western Bluebird fledgling

Numerous Western Bluebirds feeding young were pretty cool too! This trail is very easy going, shady and beautiful but all of the red and green ground cover in the above pic is Poison Oak so watch your step!

The most exciting event of the day was this fox trotting down the trail with dinner! We were standing still in the middle of the trail and it did not see us until the last second. "Got me a squirrel .. oh yea..got me a squirrel.. dohh!"  It went back a little ways and began skirting 

Gray Fox with squirrel

Tiger Lily
around us up the hill so we  moved on real quick to let it get by us. Might have had hungry young waiting for it you know.  As dry as it was, we did see a few very stunning Tiger Lilies along the trail.
Around every bend of the trail is something wonderful. This old oak is one of the largest I have ever seen, that is Kathie and a pine tree near the base. This little guy (below) would have been invisible on the trunk of  this tree if it had not moved as we passed by.

A real shade tree.

Our next stop was Doane Pond where we had a great lunch and shared mind blowing close up views of dragons, damsels and butterflies (Square-spotted Blue at top) through the spotting scope with numerous other people out for the holiday weekend. Check out page two for more adventure!

Palomar Mtn. SP & Laguna Mtns, July. 07, 2002
  1. Turkey Vulture

  2. Red-shouldered Hawk

  3. American Kestrel

  4. Mountain Quail

  5. Rock Dove

  6. Band-tailed Pigeon

  7. Mourning Dove

  8. Allen's Hummingbird

  9. Acorn Woodpecker

  10. Nuttall's Woodpecker

  11. Northern Flicker

  12. Western Wood-Pewee

  13. Pacific-slope Flycatcher

  14. Ash-throated Flycatcher

  15. Western Kingbird

  16. Purple Martin

  17. Violet-green Swallow

  18. Cliff Swallow

  19. House Wren

  20. Western Bluebird

  21. American Robin

  22. Wrentit

  1. Bushtit

  2. Mountain Chickadee

  3. Oak Titmouse

  4. White-breasted Nuthatch

  5. Brown Creeper

  6. Steller's Jay

  7. Western Scrub-Jay

  8. American Crow

  9. Common Raven

  10. European Starling

  11. Cassin's Vireo

  12. Common Yellowthroat

  13. Spotted Towhee

  14. Song Sparrow

  15. Dark-eyed Junco

  16. Black-headed Grosbeak

  17. Red-winged Blackbird

  18. Brewer's Blackbird

  19. Brown-headed Cowbird

  20. Bullock's Oriole

  21. House Finch

  22. Lesser Goldfinch

Photos © Bob Miller