- Yuma East Wetlands
A small city
park and a large area of surrounding wetlands is one of the best
places to look for birds in Yuma. It has a wide variety of
habitats. Good birds here include: Clapper and other Rails,
White-faced Ibis, Least Bittern & other waders, Ladder-backed and other Woodpeckers, flycatchers, warblers, and Bronzed Cowbird.
- Colorado
River Mile 31
backwater along the Colorado River was created by the Bureau of
Reclamation in 1999. Depending on the season, you can find
waders, shorebirds, and riparian birds. Look here for:
Cinnamon Teal, Common Moorhen, and Blue Grosbeak.
- Colorado
River Mile 33
This large
backwater lagoon along the Colorado River was also created by
the Bureau of Reclamation. This is a great spot to find
Osprey. Depending on the season, you can find waterfowl,
waders, shorebirds, and riparian birds. Look here for:
ducks, shorebirds, and Osprey.
- Gila
River Grove
This grove of
willow and cottonwoods along the Gila River is an excellent spot
see migrating warblers and flycatchers. It is one of the
few places you can find breeding Yellow Warblers. Some of
the good birds to look for here are: Yellow, Hermit,
MacGillivray's & Townsend's warblers; outstanding numbers of
tanagers. 5
- Fortuna
A small lake
surrounded by willows, cottonwoods, and mesquite just south of
the Gila River. Another good spot for migrants.
Permanent residents include Verdin, Black-tailed Gnatcatcher,
and Blue Grosbeak. 6
- Yuma
West Wetlands
A new park on
the north side of town, 100 acres of Colorado river-front
property built on the site of an old landfill. Mesquite
woods, cottonwoods, and several small ponds make up varied
habitats that are proving very nice for birding. |