Southwest AZ: Jan-Jun 2007
Henry Detwiler
Here are a collection of both unusual and common birds that we've seen
this year, all within a few hours of home. At the end of the page is
my year list for Yuma County for 2007--I'm aiming for 225 this year.
species--bird list is at the bottom of the page
Click on
thumbnail pictures for full-sized photos.
The year started off to a great start when Paul Lehman
called me with the news that he'd found a Couch's Kingbird in Tacna.
I chanced waiting until Saturday morning before driving out to see it
-taking our Audubon Society field trip there. Despite freezing
temps, we eventually all got nice looks at it feeding on bees at a
near-by hive. |
Couch's Kingbird, Tacna |
Couch's Kingbird, Tacna
The kingbird remained in the neighborhood for a couple of
months--maybe it will return next season, just as our
Kingbird has returned to the
Yuma Main Drain for five years running.
Red-naped Sapsucker, Yuma
Two of our regular winter
visitors are the Red-naped Sapsucker and Ferruginous Hawk. The
sapsuckers like the woods around the
West Wetlands and
Mittry Lake.
The hawks like the alfalfa and hay fields
south of town.
Ferruginous Hawk, Yuma
Rufous-backed Robin, Jake's Corner
In March I drove up to my Reserves duty
in Phoenix a day early and made a side trip to Jake's Corner. My
quest was to try for some photos of the Rufous-backed Robin--and the
bird cooperated!
Rufous-backed Robin, Jake's Corner |
Green-winged Teal, Yuma |
There are a couple of backwaters off of the Colorado
River just west of Yuma. One of these is good for wintering
ducks. Often you can find all three teal in this location. |
In addition to teal, this winter I was fortunate to see a Black and
White Warbler at this location--a bird I'd always missed in Yuma
County up that point. |
Blue-winged Teal, Yuma
American Kestrel, Aztec |
One nice thing about taking monthly
trips to Phoenix is that I can bird on the way there and back.
The trailer park at Dateland is good for wintering sparrows
(Golden-crowned this year), doves, and the birds that prey upon
Cooper's Hawk, Dateland
As spring rolled around, we started seeing different birds in our yard,
like the early Rufous Hummingbirds and Western Kingbirds. Later in
the spring Black-headed Grosbeaks and Lazuli Buntings showed up to eat
the sunflower seeds and millet.
Black-headed Grosbeak, Yuma
Rufous Hummingbird, Yuma |
Regular visitors to our bird-feeding station since
early May have been a few Bronzed Cowbirds. But they are far
outnumbered by doves and grackles. Other regular visitors this
summer season are Abert's Towhees, Hooded Orioles, Verdins, House
Finches, and hummingbirds. |
Bronzed Cowbird, Yuma
Another first for Yuma County (for my records), this Baltimore
Oriole was at the
West Wetlands in Yuma, in a cottonwood along the
Colorado River in mid-May. The photo is blurry since I used
my digital automatic held up to my binoculars--digibinning?
Not optimum, but it did work to record the sighting. |
Baltimore Oriole, Yuma |
Great Blue Heron, Gilbert |
This Great Blue Heron was shaking itself
dry at the Gilbert Water Ranch--another quick trip from Luke on one of
my Reserves weekends. |
A small flock of five juvenile Wood Storks at the
Mittry Lake overlook on 16 June was a really big surprise. In
distant years they were apparently quite common, but these were the
first I'd seen in Yuma County since arriving here in 1991. |
Juvenile Wood Stork, Mittry Lake |