Tricolored Heron


Yuma and Dateland Highlights
July 2004
compiled by Henry Detwiler

Jeff Coker and I found a Reddish Egret north of Dateland on July 9th, and then that afternoon he spotted a Tricolored Heron southwest of Yuma!  

Click on thumbnail pictures for full-sized shots.

The Reddish Egret is in a set of shrimp ponds about 6 miles north of the Dateland exit off of I-8.  There are ten ponds just north of the Gila River (currently dry), on the west side of Ave 64E. We've talked with the owner, Tark Rush,  and he doesn't mind birders; Dave Stejskal writes that Tark would appreciate a phone call before you pay him a visit, at 928-246-1877.  More pictures of birds and odes (August-September 2003) from these ponds can be seen at: dateland2003.htm

Reddish Egret at Dateland

Reddish Egret

Wilson's Phalarope

Western Sandpiper
The Tricolored Heron has been frequenting the Yuma Main Drain, which is west of Yuma, and runs from north of 8th Street south to Mexico.  Jeff first saw the bird on July 9th southeast of the intersection of  County 11th (32nd Street in town) and Somerton Ave.  On the 13 I saw it just south of County 12th Street, about a mile east of Somerton Ave.  On the 15th we saw it just east of where the Main Drain intersects Somerton Ave.

Tricolored Heron

Tricolored Heron


Tricolored Heron chasing prey

Pied-billed Grebe

Least Bittern

Snowy and Great Egrets

Photos © Henry Detwiler